Outdoor Gear for Activities in Southwest Florida
May 14, 2020Life in Florida is often spent in the open air, making quality outdoor gear a necessity. Anyone who’s been caught in an unexpected rainstorm or humid swell can attest that having the right apparel is no joke. Prepare yourself by visiting Coastal Outfitters and browsing our outdoor gear collection. We want you to have a fun, safe time in Florida and it begins through the doors of our Port Sanibel Marina store.
Continue reading to learn about the best outdoor gear for sun protection and quick-drying and water-resistant fabric. Navigating through the elements is easy with the assortment of brands here at Coastal Outfitters!
Huk Contends for the Outdoor Gear Spotlight

T-Shirts? Check. Long-sleeve? Check. Bibs. Oh yeah! Huk has all the best outdoor gear!
Let’s focus on Huk-branded outdoor gear and apparel, you’ll be hearing about this brand a lot. Here’s the thing about Huk: their attire isn’t just functional, it’s fully fashionable as well. T-shirts and tank tops are outfitted with patterns, logos and marine life, simultaneously boasting a UPF 30+ rating to block UVA and UVB rays. These shirts keep to a rough 50/50 cotton and polyester blend for maximum comfort.
Extend sun protection down your arm with any one of our Huk long-sleeve shirts. The Pursuit Camo vented long sleeve comes highly recommended and is a neat addition to your wardrobe with its unique camouflage pattern, its layered splotches a step up from the usual camo. This specimen offers the same sun protection as its shorter-sleeved cousins and is also antimicrobial with stain release fabric. Pick out your favorite color and introduce this shirt to your collection!
We can step it up further with a variety of hoodies and jackets to keep you warm during Florida’s blustery days. Just like the Pursuit Camo long sleeve, the Icon X Camo hoodie is available in similar shades of camouflage to match your personal sense of style. Ever overheat in your sweatshirt? Well, this is far less likely with the Icon X. According to Huk, this hoodie “allows your body to naturally cool without accelerated dehydration,” which means you’ll have more time out on the water.
There’s Always a Bigger Fish…
The pinnacle of upperwear may just be the Next Level All Weather jacket, a piece both 100% waterproof and windproof. Keep the surf off your skin and windburn from your face with its attachable front collar vent, an easy way to bundle up in chilly weather. It has plenty of pockets, too, and when you’re fishing with tackle, chances are, you’ll need the space. If you’re in the market for premium outdoor gear, this jacket is sure to deliver.
We’re not done with the Next Level line. Try on any of Huk’s Next Level Bibs for the same 100% waterproof and windproof features offered by the jacket above. High stretch material keeps your range of motion available for hours out fishing in even the harshest conditions. It even has reinforced articulated knees to move with your body as you bend and sit during the day. Pockets abound, both internal and external, all waterproof thanks to the welded zippers and taped seams. Several parts of the bib are reflective, lending to safe movement in any body of water.
Consider adding any of Huk’s vests to your outdoor gear repertoire. What’s best about any vest is how easily they slip on over whatever you’re wearing, granting your hands full-range of motion with much-needed body warmth. Some, like the Camo Tetra, even have waterproof pockets for the avid fisher and outdoor enthusiasts. Truth-be-told, the entire collection of Huk’s camouflage line is worth checking out, if not for its attractive colors, then definitely for high-end apparel.
Step into Comfort with Water Shoes
There’s no doubt about it, if you’re in Florida, you’ll be on your feet and going places. Surrounded on three sides by the sea and filled with famous waterways, you’ll be wanting footwear to make the journey a safe one. Coastal Outfitters has a great selection of shoes retrofitted for every occasion, so you can travel worry-free through the water.
Simms is the leading brand in boat shoes and these loafers are chock-full of surprises. Rubber outsoles will keep you steady, fishing on those slippery boat decks or walking along the pier. Enjoy the EVA midsole, helpful for absorbing shock and increasing support and comfort. The brand-specific Right Angle footbeds are arguably the most important attribute of this product, helping maintain good posture.
Numerous other features are provided based on the individual shoe. Some, like the Currents, are quick drying to keep you ready for activity after stepping out of the water. The Westshore utilizes the unique Agion anti-odor technology to eliminate smells on humid days. If you’re searching for a shoe to satisfy your specific needs, read the label and find out what best works for you.
It’s never too late to purchase more Huk! This outdoor gear brand has a selection of fishing shoes both durable and designed by the experts themselves. We’ve already covered the standard above: lightweight, quick-drying and EVA midsoles are key for any water shoe. However, Huk also brings “performance lacing” to the fold so you won’t be constantly wearing out your shoelaces. Their material can take the stretch and endure frequent use under duress, be it hiking, fishing or just otherwise handing out.

Costa sunglasses and their accessories are all the rage at Coastal Outfitters.
Outdoor Gear that’s Easy on the Eyes
How can you enjoy Southwest Florida if you can’t see? When the sun shines brightest, you’ll need a solid pair of shades to combat harmful UV rays. Here are two standout sunglasses brands at Coastal Outfitters to wear with your outdoor gear.
We’ve put our faith in Costa for superb eyewear to help you in your travels. Once you recognize their full range of frames and lenses, you’ll be clamoring for a second pair. Few brands will offer such lengthy varieties of matte frames, including black, sand, moss and tortoise to name a few. This can’t even compare to their wide range of lens colors like the exotic sunrise silver mirror or copper silver mirror.
As far as functionality, between their glass and plastic lenses, there’s plenty of quality worked into every piece. Plastic lenses contain a C-Wall coating to repel oil, water and dust, plus, are impact resistant. Their higher-end glass variety offers the highest clarity and is scratch resistant to beat. Regardless, both offer 100% UV blockage for maximum protection in the sun.
RCI optics is another leading brand, a hallmark of the sunglasses industry. Their H780 Infrared Blocking Lens System is a keystone of RCI and claims to “reduce eye fatigue, enhance color acuity, reduce more glare…all while eliminating IR distortions and internal heat to the eye.” In addition, their lenses block 100% of harmful UVA, UVB and UVC rays for maximum eye safety.
Coastal Outfitters even has accessories for your shades, courtesy of the Costa line. Anyone repeatedly wearing their outdoor gear knows how dusty apparel can become. Thanks to the Costa Cleaning Kit and hermit cloth, you can keep your lenses clear for the next road trip. We also carry attachable sunglasses retainers, easy and adjustable so your shades don’t slip at inconvenient times.
T(hats) a Wrap for Outdoor Gear
The perfect hat can accent any outfit or even that day’s hairstyle. What’s more, keeping the sun off your head is top priority for anyone enjoying their excursion. Mix-and-match the diversity of Coastal Outfitters hats with the rest of our outdoor gear to create your ideal look for all outings. Before you know it, you might just have a burgeoning collection of high-end headwear.

We’re not kidding when we say Huk has it all! Check out their hats and visors in-store, we love their dark blue palettes.
Kooringal comes through for those who appreciate all aesthetics. Their medley of wide-brims are excellent choices for keeping you in the shade, wherever you go. Many of their hats, such as the Santa Cruz Wide Brim, include an adjustable inner band that helps conform to your specific measurements. Even their fancier stock has its own special merits. The Ladies Cowboy Sariah is easily styled with its wired brim while the Edward Drover Hat comes with airflow eyelets to let the breeze in to cool you off.
Remember Huk? They have the casual selection you’ve been waiting to wear in your travels. Their caps are 100% polyester and fade resistant to keep the patterns you love fresh for every occasion. Customize the fit with the snapback band to help the front bill best deflect sunlight. If you’ve purchased any of the above merchandise, everyone will know you’re a Huk fan when wearing the embroidered logo.
Visit Coastal Outfitters
We’d love to hear from you! Coastal Outfitters has a luxury boutique in Southwest Florida stocked with the leading high-end apparel brands. Shop for your favorite items at Port Sanibel Marina
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